Friday 8 August 2014

Worldbuilding Day 7: Recent History

Today's exercise has us outlining the major historical events over the 100 years before the start of the campaign. This is just a rough sketch and the timeline is malleable, but it should include dates when power shifted between factions, dates when significant natural and unnatural events occurred, and look at the resources of the land and where people live. The events are listed in negative years before the current date. Names are currently placeholders.

Rough regional timeline:
-1000y ice begins to rapidly retreat
-250y city states explore the coast
-220y first city state settlement at mouth of muddy river
-205y first missionaries arrive
-200y invention of the magic engine 
-198y northern warriors destroy several city state settlements
-196y battle of muddy river, city states victorious
-192y muddy river settlement rebuilt
-191y to -155y placer gold discovered, gold rush
-188y fort built further west close to western empire's boarderlands
-147y to -144y great war of empires
-133y claims on settlement sold to western empire
-120y unobtanium deposits discovered inland
-118y main settlement moved east to inlet due to easier interior acccess
-86 to -82y second great war of empires
-84y precious metals found further up muddy river
-60y great northern earthquake, muddy river settlement virtually destroyed
-59 to -30y series of eruptions along outer range
-30y regular raids from northern wastes begin
-2y discover of megadungeon

I updated the map to include a yellow line for the rail that heads from the inlet to the interior. The four blue dots are forts that are located near various passes to try and keep raiders away from the main settlements.

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