Saturday, 2 August 2014

Worldbuilding Day 1: Climate and Variety

The first exercise in the Fantasy Worldbuilder guide is to look at a map and write down all the different climates I can think of. I already began this is a way with my Environs of the Megadungeon: Inspiration from Denali Wilderness and Environs of the Megadungeon: Lands of Ice & Fire. This is the list of climates I had originally brainstormed when I was writing out my design document (with the help of Wikipedia). I have given a real world example beside each climate type.

maritime temperate climate: Copenhagen or Auckland
maritime subarctic climate: mountains north of Vancouver
dry-summer maritime sub-alpine climate: Oregon coastal mountains
warm summer continental climate: Helsinki or Lake Tahoe
continental subarctic climate (taiga): Fairbanks or Helsinki
continental subarctic climate with extremely severe winters: Siberia
ice cap climate: Antarctica or Greenland
semi-arid climate (steppe): Mongolia or Wyoming Basin
subarctic climate: high Rockie Mountains
alpine tundra climate: Colorado
tundra climate: Jotunheimen

I am not concerned with the other climates that are found around the world because I am focused on a region. Sure, there are probably vast deserts and verdant jungles, but that is not relevant to my setting.

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