Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Worldbuilding Day 4: Cataclysmic Events

Today's exercise looks at really big land features and what created these features. Three of the major features of the region are a mountain chain, a river valley with a large natural harbor, and an isolated plateau.

The mountains are the result of tectonic movement, just as you'd find in the world today. Their peaks are jagged because they are young mountains, pushed up by one plate colliding with another. This collision has also caused a series of volcanoes to form, along with hot springs and geysers.

The river valley is located between to mountain ranges, and was also carved out further by massive glaciation a thousand years ago. In my setting their was a colder phase in the climate more recently than their was in our world. There has also been a more rapid shift from cold to warm in the climate.

The isolated plateau is bounded on all sides by mountains. This isolates it from the weather coming off of the coast, by it also channels water into an area of flat ground that has difficulty escaping. This results in an area that is slightly warmer than the surrounding area, but it is also more swampy and difficult to cross.

One of the non-natural features of the setting is over course the megadungeon, a section of which is an abandoned underground city. The city was abandoned shortly after the climate began to shift, but why was it abandoned and why did volcanic activity in the region begin to rise again in the time since?

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