I was discussing the idea of a megadungeon with a few friends and it was suggested that I try and make it as system agnostic as possible. What I mean by system agnostic is that the design and philosophy of the megadungeon should work equally well with more than just one system. If someone wants to run the system using Pathfinder it should work. Same goes for GURPS or Rifts or World of Darkness.
I will still be working on having my own home-brew system, but I will tag my thoughts on the system separately from the megadungeon itself. In trying to develop my own home-brew system I have been exposed many systems that I was not familiar with, and I can see the appeal of many of them, even though most of my experience with with the d20 and storyteller systems.
The one aspect that may not be system agnostic is the stress/sanity mechanic. That is still one of the key components from Darkest Dungeons that really sparked my imagination. Tied to that is the suggestion that I have for any GM that takes an interest in my setting: there is no darkvision, all characters must depend upon their light sources to fend off the darkness.
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