Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Player Races

I appreciate the need for races in a D&D inspired system. Sure, there are the standard races (human, half-elf, elf, dwarf, halfling) but I wanted to go with something different. Tvtropes, yet again, has a decent write-up on player races in fantasy settings. The stout, fairy, mundane, high men, cute dynamic seems valid and works well in various MMORPGs.

The setting will be human-centric, so humans will obviously assume the role of the mundane race. The "cute" race will likely be similar to changelings from the Eberron setting. I am still stuck on the stout/fairie/high men races. I think that the high men should be humans that have been born with some essential spark. The stout or fairy could be shifters, but I am struggling to find a fifth race.

In the lore I want to have the shifters and changelings originally be living weapons and soldiers that were created to fight a great war long ago. They, like all the other races, will come form humans. Dwarves and elves will have existed in the world, although I am undecided as to whether they still are to be found among the living.

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