Friday, 11 July 2014

The Real Underworld

There is a real underworld in the world today. Places that no human has seen. The first few minutes of this TEDTalk by Bill Stone look at some of the realities of underground exploration. Thousands of meters underground, chambers so large you can see hundreds of meters uninterrupted, fantastic abysses, but also the dangerous of isolation and the environment.

When we spend days on end we deal with stress and crushing psychological remoteness. That is why Mr Stone looks for people with competence, discipline, endurance, and strength. In addition to this, the deeper you go the more you come into conflict with water. In the real world this requires ingenuity and engineering, but in the megadungeon this would involve gadgets and/or some form of magic.

I am not sure how I will address this, but I can see some water features coming into play in the megadungeon. Hopefully it will not be held in the same regard that the Water Temple currently is. It will help that this is moderated by a person instead of being a computer simulation, although disorientation should always become a short term danger if the character is running out of breath and can not retrace their way to the surface.

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