Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Environs of the Megadungeon: Lands of Fire & Ice

While the players will have to deal with nature and savage weather conditions, and the way ice has shaped the land should be readily evident, the presence of a threat underneath their feet should always be present. While this northern region has long had a history of hot springs, there was no record of volcanoes, at least not as many as there are currently active.

Basalt columns give the landscape a synthetic appearance, but are actually evidence of a violent volcanic past.
waterfall over basalt columns  

Geysers and hot springs are evidence of the heat beneath their feet, but also form the basis for various settlements in the region.
volcanic geyser  

Mountains around the region are actually long dormant volcanoes whose fumaroles and vents now break through their glacial shrouds.

four peaks mountain

One of the great mysteries is the increase of volcanic activity. There have not been any violent eruptions in the regions closest to civilization, their are worries as to what would happen if some of the volcanoes around the main port were to erupt. There is no easy access to the environs around the megadungeon except by ship.

The contrast between fire and ice will allow for a variety of environmental hazards during a extended delve in the megadungeon. What may begin as frigid conditions in the high mountains may become warmer, presenting problems with water. At the greatest depths heat and poisonous gasses could present threats that have to be overcome. Obviously there can not be any threat that the players magic or technology could not potentially overcome or else there is no actual point to having these threats in the game, unless they are intended to form absolute barriers, but that is not fun and in the end the point of the game is to have fun. Face a challenge, perhaps lose a few characters, but to have fun.

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