Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Vacation Reading

I did some reading during my vacation, but three books gave me ideas for the setting: The Long EarthAnathem, and Marooned in Realtime. A combination of the concepts could give the answer for the unsolved mysteries of the setting.

Imagine parallel-ish worlds where some events in the past were different, but instead of just side-stepping into the other worlds instantaneously the journey would take an objective period of time while staying objectively instant. So, if reality B was relatively easy to reach and only took an objective day to reach you could step through the portal and arrive at that other reality. If you stepped back through the portal immediately and returned to reality A you would have experienced only a couple seconds of subjective time, but the time in reality A would have advanced by two days.

There could be a vast confederation of inter-dimensional empires. Anyways, I know this does not exactly follow my design concepts, but I was trying to figure out how a truly mysterious lost city would exist. I know that we have had lost cities before, at least from the Western/European perspective, but I am picturing a city on a scale larger than any lost settlements that have existed on earth. This would also allow the disaster that eliminated the previous residents of the megadungeon to have occurred relatively recently, giving an excuse for the environs to have not completely succumbed to nature.

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